Jul 27 2020 51 mins
Demotivation is not the opposite of motivation according to Dr. Tara Peters because different factors usually cause people to become motivated or demotivated. Dr. Peters has been researching demotivation for years through her academic work in organizational behavior as well as direct consulting in the business world. She's also co-authored a book called The Demotivated Employee to help leaders address this problem that may be costing companies $500 billion annually. In this Hack the Process interview, Dr. Peters will tell us what leaders can do to help recognize and address de-motivating patterns of behavior, how she balances her demanding academic and consulting careers, and why learning to work virtually now might put business consultants at an advantage.
For all the links mentioned, please check out the show notes: https://www.hacktheprocess.com/dr-tara-peters-offers-help-for-demotivated-employees-on-hack-the-process-podcast/
For all the links mentioned, please check out the show notes: https://www.hacktheprocess.com/dr-tara-peters-offers-help-for-demotivated-employees-on-hack-the-process-podcast/