Oct 20 2018 6 mins 117
When folks in Kentucky had certain health issues, they went to Waverly Hills. Poor folks. The staff was doing the best they could. Some of the folks seem to have stuck around in the afterlife. Join our Facebook page, and on Twitter at @HalloweenHaunt. Learn about more haunted places…where else? TheHalloweenHaunt.com.
Find out more about Waverly Hills from American Hauntings, Wikipedia, and the Waverly Hills website itself (yes, you , too can visit).
“Return of the Boogeyman” by Sam Haynes from “Something Wicked–Halloween and Horror Music for Halloween 2016”
“Ghost House (Haunt MIx) by Sam Haynes from “Halloween 2017 – Pumpkin On Your Stereo – Electro Haunt Music – EDM Halloween Music”
Click here to download the show.