Nov 13 2024 65 mins 3
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode of your favorite Korean Adoptee podcast, the Janchi Boys sit down and reflect on three years of the show, how our lives have changed since the trailer, and how the show (and the adoptee community) has changed our lives.
Editor’s note: I think we toe the line of conflating friends and fans of the show with the interracial, Asian adoptee community at large. For what it's worth, this was not our intent, and sometimes we fall into the trap of using the two somewhat interchangeably because of the time and nature of how the two entered our lives. We are certainly aware of (and grateful for) our elders in the adoptee space, and don’t want it to seem like “the Janchi Show started this community” or that we did anything more than add some voices to the conversation.
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The Janchi Show Quick Bio
The Janchi Show focuses on exploring intersectional identities and current events through the lens of adoption, race, lived experience and more. Sometimes we have guests, and sometimes it’s just the three of us. Either way, it’s always a janchi!
// Meet the Janchi Boys!
Nathan Nowack
Nathan (he/him) is a transracial Korean American adoptee who was born in Seoul in the 1970s. He was adopted at the age of 5 months old and raised in a small town in Oklahoma along with a non-biological Korean adopted sister. After going to college in Colorado he later moved to Los Angeles to pursue a digital media career and eventually started 2 photography companies. He loves spending time with his wife and 3 kids, playing golf, and collecting Lego. He is in reunion with his biological family as the youngest of 7 and has been in contact since 2015. He currently serves on the Advisory Council for KAAN and helps with the planning of their annual adoptee conference. In 2021, Nathan and his family moved back to Colorado to be closer to family and start a new chapter in their lives.
Connect with Nathan!
Patrick Armstrong
Patrick Armstrong (he/him) is a transracial Korean American adoptee, podcaster, speaker, and community facilitator. He is one of the hosts of the Janchi Show, a podcast that explores and celebrates the experiences and stories of Korean adoptees everywhere. He also is host of Conversation Piece with Patrick Armstrong, a podcast where he discusses the missing pieces of the conversations we’re already having. He is a cofounder of the Asian Adoptees of Indiana, a group dedicated to creating a safe, engaging community for all Asian adoptees who need it. He is currently based in Indianapolis with his wife and cat.
Connect with Patrick!
LinkedIn: http://linkedin/in/patrickintheworld
K.J. Roelke (@kjroelke)
KJ (he/him) was adopted from Daegu and raised in Dallas, Texas with his two biological, older siblings and his younger sister, adopted from Russia. After spending a decade in the Midwest for college and career, he and his wife are back in Dallas and living large! He has been on his journey of discovery since 2015 and spends his days as a web developer for the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma.
Connect with K.J.!
LinkedIn: https://linkedin/in/kjroelke
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Gratitude & Credits
Michelle Nam for our logo and branding
Jerry Won for bring us together
This show is created and produced by Patrick, Nathan and KJ and is the sole property of the Janchi Show, LLC.