The good news for climate realists and better governance in the Trump administration is piling up so fast it is difficult to keep up. As we covered on this show on December 6, a bit of undercover journalism by Project Veritas exposed a left-wing staffer at the Environmental Protection Agency admitting that he and others were trying to get billions of our tax money “out as fast as possible” before the Trump administration arrived in January and put a stop to it. “It truly feels like we’re on the Titanic and we’re throwing gold bars off the edge,” laughed Brent Efron, former “special advisor for implementation” at EPA. Well, new EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin announced this week that he has jumped into his submersible and snatched the gold bars ($20 billion) out of the hands of unaccountable lefty nonprofit “NGOs” and returned them to the treasury. The endless flow of our tax money going to environmental extremists groups who advocate against America’s interest seems to be coming to an end
The Heartland Institute’s Anthony Watts, Sterling Burnett, Linnea Lueken, and Jim Lakely, will also talk about how the Paris Climate Agreement seems to be breaking apart, provide a media “Climate Fact Check” for January, check in on the continuing failure of EVs, show you what a “dying coyote” climate protest looks and sounds like, and more.
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