Oct 24 2024 66 mins
Seasons Of The Witch : Halloweens Of Yesterday is the Death By DVD 2024 Halloween celebration. You may have heard recently that we will not have new episodes for a while - but somehow that has not stopped us from having new episodes!
To celebrate the Season Of The Witch, we present to you remastered episodes from our Halloween Vault. Death By DVD has been around since 2009, so we have a lot of Halloween shows chock full of terror and special guests! This episode originally comes from 2021 and is hosted by our dearly departed former leader Hank The Worlds greatest. You can find a link to hear all about his horrible murder below!
We've got BLOOD FREAK (1972) and INVADERS FROM MARS (1986) that are discussed on this tale from the crypt! We hope you enjoy this blast from the past episode featuring 3 special guests and Death By DVD's original hosts. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for the next installment of Seasons Of The Witch : Halloweens Of Yesterday, coming soon!
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HAVE YOU HEARD DEATH BY DVD GOES TO THE MOVIE? Hear the thrilling tale of your faithful host Harry-Scott Sullivan's adventure to Augusta, Georgia to see the cast and crew premiere of an all new independent horror film called LEFT ONE ALIVE.
Hear all three parts, or read the story exclusively at deathbydvd.com. Tap here to learn more, or copy and paste the link below
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HEY, while you're still here.. have you heard...
The first of its kind, (On this show, at least) an all original narrative audio drama exploring the murder of this shows very host, HANK THE WORLDS GREATEST! Explore WHO SHOT HANK, starting with the MURDER!
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