Jan 04 2025 44 mins 11
To be honest, this episode starts off a bit wonky. Kyle compliments Scott on his introduction. Barry has to correct Scott about a music group. Kyle laughs at Barry because he only knows three words of a song, which is its title (well, perhaps that’s not so unusual). Finally, they get to the point of the episode, which is the conscience.
The guys begin by defining the conscience. They then reference historical figures and groups on the subject, such as Thomas Aquinas, George Washington, and the Puritans. From there, they reference the Scriptures’ description of the conscience biblically as the internal witness that God has given each person to determine whether their thoughts, words, or actions follow his law. Scott asks if the conscience has been impacted by Adam’s fall into sin. Kyle and Barry respond by referencing such doctrines as total depravity, general revelation, and the noetic impact of the fall to answer affirmatively and describe how. They then discuss how on the one hand the conscience can be hardened and seared, then how on the other hand some people can slavishly follow an oversensitive conscience. Finally, they speak of the Christian’s need to inform and listen to the conscience in his walk with Christ.
As you begin the new year, learning to properly listen to your own internal prophet would be a good place to start. So tune into this episode of Three Guys Theologizing!