Feb 07 2025 21 mins
Joining Gary on the podcast today is Austin Hair. Austin is a real estate developer specializing in identifying prime locations that help clients scale quickly and provide investors with secure, compounding returns. With over a decade as a professional wakeboarder and a finalist on American Ninja Warrior, Austin combines discipline and calculated risk-taking to excel in real estate investment. He focuses on finding low-risk, high-return opportunities that benefit both tenants and investors. Tune in to hear how Austin got into the business of real estate and the key data points they look at when choosing their locations. He even highlights risk return ratios they analyze to make investments safer. For all this, and more, start listening now.
Key Points From This Episode:
- Listeners are introduced to today’s guest, Austin Hair.
- More about what he does and how he got into the business of real estate.
- Key data points they look for when choosing locations.
- Why they haven’t tried their approach on any other asset class.
- He highlights other risk-return rations they look at to make investments safer.
- The pros and cons of the medical retail asset class.
- Austin shares his thoughts on what he’s seeing (geographically) for 2025 and the markets he is looking at for the medical field.
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Rich Dad Poor Dad: What The Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!
The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich
Entrepreneurial Leap: Do You Have What it Takes to Become an Entrepreneur?
Asset Management Mastery Facebook Group