Dec 22 2024 34 mins 8
Why are dozens of states banning trans athletes when there are at most 10 trans women participation in college athletics out of some 510,000 athletes? Because, as so many times in history, political and religious leaders want the demonization of a people group the gather to themselves political power. Pastor Paul shares why the issue of trans women in sports is NOT an issue at all, but rather is simply a manipulation tool of the extreme right, generating hatred amongst people and deep fear in the trans community.
We can do better. Listen in and be ready to think, to be introspective and to grow.
#Evangelicalish #ReligiousRightReligiouslyWrong #postevangelical #UnconventionalPastor #GodIsNOTmadAtYou #MindRenewal #Rethink @UnconventionalPastorPaul #WellBeing #Deconstruction #reconstruction
We can do better. Listen in and be ready to think, to be introspective and to grow.
#Evangelicalish #ReligiousRightReligiouslyWrong #postevangelical #UnconventionalPastor #GodIsNOTmadAtYou #MindRenewal #Rethink @UnconventionalPastorPaul #WellBeing #Deconstruction #reconstruction