Dec 21 2020 57 mins
An absolute legend – the great Donick Cary joins us on the latest episode. He's written some truly classic Simpsons episodes: "In Marge We Trust," "The Last Temptation of Krust," "Treehouse of Horror IX & X," "Thirty Minutes over Tokyo," and more! He throws it back to working at Late Night with David Letterman – and running around a bear suit in New York with Letterman feeding him tasks through an earpiece. We also chat about his Netflix film "Have a Good Trip." Plus, the story and inspiring hard work behind his charity organization Musack.
This episode was recorded remotely during quarantine. You might notice differing audio quality from previous episodes (this one sounds like a zoom call … because it is!) – but we’re trying to make it work for you! Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.