Our guest on this episode, Jeff Jeffers, could pinpoint the exact moment he knew farming was the career for him following military service. It came after a retreat with the Farmer Veteran Coalition and in the car ride home, Jeff looked over at this soon-to-be co-founder, Steve, and said, “We’re gonna be freakin’ farmers”.
James “Jeff” Jeffers is the co-founder of a non-profit based in Dallas, TX called F.A.R.M. – Farmers Assisting Returning Military. Jeff and the team at FARM are dedicated to providing military veterans with internships, educational opportunities, and hands-in-the-dirt experience through a variety of agricultural settings.
Jeff grew up outside Indianapolis playing in the woods and eventually falling in love with the outdoors through hunting and fishing. After high school and a brief stint working in Florida, he fell victim to one of the Army’s 1990s “Be All You Can Be” television advertisements and literally signed up the next day.
This began a multi-year, multi-deployment experience in the US Army infantry starting before 9/11 and encompassing several deployments to Iraqi during the height of the fighting. After several close calls with enemy grenades and a car bomb, Jeff was medically retired with a traumatic brain injury and began the uncertain journey of building a life outside the Army.
This episode is all about that journey and Jeff’s passion today for helping veterans in agriculture. He provides some of the most practical and down-to-earth advice for military veterans looking to get involved in ag I’ve ever heard. If you’re interested in getting started in farming after the miliary, then this episode is a must listen!