Feb 07 2025 49 mins
Eric sits down with Archbishop Michael Miller, CSB (Archbishop of Vancouver) to discuss his thoughts on the future Church in Vancouver. In February 2024 the Archbishop offered 12 points to consider for the future Church in Vancouver. His presentation can be listened to here: https://weareproclaim.com/collections/proclaim-podcast/060
They discuss 5 points in greater detail:
- We must adopt an apostolic mindset marked by total confidence in the truth of the Gospel and the power of the Holy Spirit to transform lives and communities.
- We must embrace a synodal approach to discernment and a commitment to seek guidance and direction from the Holy Spirit.
- We must adopt methods of formation fit for the new apostolic age, for our clergy, consecrated persons and laity.
- We must be committed to the co-responsibility of clergy and laity for the Church’s mission.
- We must rid ourselves of a narrow parochial paradigm and work collaboratively at levels not yet seen in the Archdiocese.
Proclaim is a movement of the Archdiocese of Vancouver inspiring disciples to proclaim Jesus in their homes and communities. The Proclaim podcast is a space where you listen to inspiring disciples talk all things around sharing Jesus with others, and learn how to step into your own missionary identity. To learn more about Proclaim, you can visit weareproclaim.com and follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @weareproclaim