Jul 22 2024 26 mins 2
In this fourth episode of "Good Advice Gone Wrong," a segment in which I highlight some really good language learning advice that can also go wrong, I talk about input, input, input. Do all the reading and all the listening all the time! Language folk give this advice all the time, and I can't deny that it's got some amazing benefits, but it isn't a guaranteed path to success. Today I share three ways in which tons of input is great for languages bubut also three ways in which it could go wrong and has gone wrong for me. I finish up with three things you can do to make this method go right for you, if it's something you want to do.
There are countless methods for learning a language, and I believe that all of them are good, but they aren't all good for everyone. Instead of just giving language learning advice, this recurring segment focuses on reasons specific pieces of good advice may not work for everyone. So if this method isn't for you, that's okay. I love sharing this segment in order to spark creative ideas for how we can mold advice and shape it into something that does work for us, if desired, and I hope to inspire you to discover your own creative, personalized language learning journey.
If you like this episode, you can check out the other Good Advice Gone Wrong episodes:
- Season 1 here: http://www.lovejoyandlanguagespodcast.com/episode-9
- Season 2 here: http://www.lovejoyandlanguagespodcast.com/episode-28
- Season 3 here: http://www.lovejoyandlanguagespodcast.com/episode-49
Other content mentioned in this episode:
E64: What I Love About Language Dabbling (curiosity): http://www.lovejoyandlanguagespodcast.com/episode-64
E67: Let's Talk About Flashcards: http://www.lovejoyandlanguagespodcast.com/episode-67
Profondo Come il Mare, Leggero Come il Cielo, by Gianluca Gotto
Read more about getting lots of input for your language learning:
Intensive Listening vs. Extensive Listening in English, by Emile Dodds on Leonardo English blog
What to Know About Input-based Langauge Learning, by Rachelawan on FluentU
How I self-taught German to C1 using immersion - despite being busy and disorganized, by Elise Cutts (The title says "immersion," but read up! She talks about comprehensible input.)
Where to find me:
Love, Joy, and Languages Blog
All podcast episodes can be found at http://www.lovejoyandlanguagespodcast.com/.
Instagram: @love.joyandlanguages