Mar 07 2025 46 mins 36
Listening to her college-aged daughter making calls for AmeriCorps in 2020, Laura Nelkin was surprised at how many people in her community faced food insecurity and hunger every day. A problem that had seemed far away suddenly felt much closer to home, and Laura wanted to find a way to help. She had a feeling that other knitters would want to help, too, so she dreamed up a group effort: the Knit for Food Knit-a-Thon. In its first 4 years, the effort has raised over $1.25 million for Feeding America, Meals on Wheels, No Kid Hungry, and World Central Kitchen. 2025 is poised to be the largest event yet, with more teams and knitters joining the effort every day.
How does it work? Until Saturday, April 5, 2025, crafters register to participate, either as members of a team or solo. Participants reach out to friends, loved ones, colleagues, and other contacts to make a financial pledge to support the effort. Then from 10 am to 10 pm Eastern Time on April 5, participants pick up your craft of choice and knit (or crochet or stitch or whatever you like). Some teams and local craft groups organize public meetups for support. Anyone raising at least $100 receives a link to online events including stretching and knitting ergonomics, live music, games, and presentations from the four benefiting charities. At the end of the day, you’ve enjoyed 12 hours on your favorite craft, strengthened the fellowship of crafters, and helped raise hundreds of thousands of dollars that directly feed hungry people.
Laura (and her saucy alter ego, Lola) develop dozens of innovative ideas every year, from original designs to bead-knitting techniques to a brilliant method for swatching to knit in the round while knitting flat. She documents her ideas and experiments on her YouTube channel, offers kits and mystery knit-alongs, and invites knitters to join her in real life on knitting-related tours and cruises each year. The Knit for Food Knit-a-Thon brings that spirit of fun and inventiveness to a much-needed cause, building the spirit of community with every stitch and donation.
Knit for Food sign-up page
Knit for Food FAQ
Check out a list of ideas for charities for handknitters.
Laura Nelkin’s website
Laura’s YouTube channel
Nelkin Designs Ravelry group
Nelkin Designs on Facebook
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