Dec 23 2019 52 mins
This week's podcast is called,'You Deserve to Take Up Space.' It dives into what it really takes to be out in the world living our truth, pursuing our dreams and thinking big in a way that is alignment with our highest truths and authentic self.
This episode is guided by several entries in the Bhagavad Gita including sloka 2:52 which states,'When your mind has crossed the slough of delusion, you will achieve indifference regarding things already heard and things yet to be heard.'
Innately we are born sensitive beings so it only makes sense that we care about other's opinions. In truth, there is no issue with this if we are willing to cultivate equal parts unattachment and equal parts willingness to learn and integrate the mirror that others can oftentimes present to us.
The issues with listening too much to other's opinions arise when we either care so much about what others think that we base all of our decisions on how to constantly people please or be invisible, or we affirm to the world that we don't care at all and lose our ability to recieve input and the subsequent growth that often comes from honest feedback. A major key to living life according to our own inclinations and heart guidance is to understand that regardless of other's opinions, we are here to share our unique energy and gifts with those who are able to appreciate and recieve them/us.
If we align ourselves with the idea - that we are here to share our gifts because we are being compelled - we are more likely to naturally align with the highest expression of ourselves and begin to create our lives based on that guidance. It calls our attention to the idea that we can do what we feel called to do in life and release attachment to the results. It is an invitation to do what compels us, to step up and face our fears and shatter every self limiting belief that ever attempted to hold us back. It's an invitation to lean into what is being channeled from within and express it freely, unhindered, authentically, originally in some way, shape or form.
The outro music at the end of the podcast “Call On,” is original music produced by DJ Karishtan. It is available for download on iTunes and Spotify. Follow us on Instagram: @walkingdharma @djkarishtan @kristencoyleyoga