Zen is the transmission outside of words. But there sure are a lot of books about Zen. We look at some of the best books on Zen. Soto Zen, that is.
- Treeleaf
- Jundo Cohen: The Zen Master's Dance
- Kosho Uchiyama Roshi: Opening the Hand of Thought: Foundations of Zen Buddhist Practice
- Kosho Uchiyama Roshi: How to Cook Your Life: From the Zen Kitchen to Enlightenment
- Shunryu Suzuki: Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind: Informal Talks on Zen Meditation and Practice
- Zen Flesh, Zen Bones: A Collection of Zen and Pre-Zen Writings
- Philip Kapleau Roshi: The Three Pillars of Zen: Teaching, Practice, and Enlightenment
- Shohaku Okumura: Realizing Genjokoan: The Key to Dogen's Shobogenzo
- Dogen's Genjo Koan: Three Commentaries
- Shohaku Okumura: The Mountains and Waters Sutra: A Practitioner's Guide to Dogen's "Sansuikyo"
- Steven Heine: Readings of Dōgen's "Treasury of the True Dharma Eye"
- Steven Heine: Dogen: Japan's Original Zen Teacher
- Taigen Dan Leighton: Visions of Awakening Space and Time: Dōgen and the Lotus Sutra
- Kosho Uchiyama Roshi: Deepest Practice, Deepest Wisdom: Three Fascicles from Shobogenzo with Commentary
- Kazuaki Tanahashi: Enlightenment Unfolds: the essential teachings of Dogen
- Kazuaki Tanahashi: Moon in a Dewdrop: Writings of Zen Master Dogen
- Will Johnson: The Posture of Meditation
- Barbara Hoetsu O'Brien: The Circle of the Way - A Concise History of Zen from the Buddha to the Modern World
- Jonathan Landaw & Stephan Bodian: Buddhism For Dummies
- Diana St. Ruth: Simple Guide to Zen Buddhism
- Sky Above, Great Wind: The Life and Poetry of Zen Master Ryokan, translated by Kazuaki Tanahashi
- Kazuaki Tanahashi: The Complete Cold Mountain: Poems of the Legendary Hermit Hanshan
- Red Pine: The Collected Songs of Cold Mountain
- Norman Fischer & Susan Moon: What Is Zen?: Plain Talk for a Beginner's Mind
- Stephen Batchelor: The Art of Solitude
- Brian Daizen Victoria: Zen at War
- Suggested BOOKS & MEDIA on Zen Practice (Treeleaf)
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