Jul 06 2024 49 mins 1
Mary recently went to the Given Institute Conference. There, she met many young women desiring to grow in their gifts and talents and journey alongside mentors. In this episode, Mary & Jerry discuss their experience being mentors, what it means to be a mentor, and what skills a mentor should have.
Find out more about the Given Institute: https://giveninstitute.com/
Here are Mary and Jerry’s Books:
Debbie Macomber— The Best is Yet to Come (https://www.amazon.com/Best-Yet-Come-Novel/dp/1984818848)
Gen Kenneth McKenzie- The Melting Point: High Command and War in the 21st Century (https://www.amazon.com/Melting-Point-High-Command-Century/dp/1682474496)
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Production & Editing by Forte Catholic (ForteCatholic.com)