Aug 02 2023 47 mins 5
In this episode, rachel and Kendall talk about:
- Kendall being back in the US, how many desks he has had to order, and the various benefits of Pickleball vs Paddleball
- rachel's reign of terror over a particular kind of cooking pan, being sick, and heading to Vegas to dj at DEFCON
- Why people might be pivoting away from their tech careers, looking for greater meaning
- What actually is a midlife crisis?
- Planning for your midlife crisis, understanding your path forward
- What triggers a midlife crisis? What does one look like?
- How unwillingness to talk about death as a society makes this a crisis for us
- Living life well when you know you're going to die
- The impact of having grown up in genX, the assumption that no one is going to take care of you when you're old
- Perpetuating a cycle of dissatisfaction
- The fallacy of "follow your dreams and everything will be fine" vs "enjoy the work you have because life is short"
- Intentionally doing things inefficiently in order to enjoy the process more, thank you Kurt Vonnegut (see for the full quote/story)
- How does one's belief in an afterlife impact these things?
- Whether having some control over the time and manner of one's death is comforting
- What living well means to Kendall, and his upcoming book :)
- recommendation from rachel: The Witch King by Martha Wells
- recommendation from Kendall: Eat something so spicy you leave your physical body temporarily
Special thanks to Mel Stanley for our theme music <3