Nov 01 2023 48 mins 5
In this episode, rachel, Kendall, and Seif talk about:
- The pressures of what your parents want, in various cultures
- Quitting a "good job" because they made you a manager
- Bringing your team with you to the next company
- Open source culture and the meritocracy
- The tensions inherent between product management and innovators
- Respective hirsuteness
- When it's the right time to go off the rails
- Acknowledging a need for the rails
- A team as a functioning organism, nerdy giant robot references
- The gravitational pull of excitement and going off-plan
- Recommendations for "Getting to Yes," "Getting Past No," and "Drive"
- Smelling things!
- Reverse engineering what your kid wants
You can find Seif on the Axiom Discord as "Seif"
Special thanks to Mel Stanley for our theme music <3