Dec 31 2023 74 mins 12
Mike Giant interviews Rime MSK with special guest Persué at Mike's studio in San Diego, California on December 22, 2023.
Topics discussed include: Honesty, fear of conflict, Thich Nhat Hanh, porn, intimacy, self-reflection, self-work, squirters, transmitting feelings, bullying, running from police, aging graffiti scene, energy of youth, Futura, staying active on the street, studio paintings on canvas, blackbooks, bombing vs piecing, meeting Nace, cutting back, Agree, All-Out King, various stylistic games, Poor Things, catching a fill-in solo, the courage to break away from the 9 to 5, childhood, relationship with imagination, The Starving Artist, forecasting down times, life as a book, harmony, retreat, diversions, keeping your heart in it, being in nature, excitement of new places, reconnecting with pace of nature, experiencing death, animal vs human energy, Trenton deer, feeding squirrels in Mexico City, graffiti characters, Vivid Playful Depictions of Energy, original content, praise for replication, ball games, gyms, trademark styles, Egs, The Pocket, Ghost, arrows, personality in letterforms, how mood affects style, marker and sticker tags, traveling in an RV, online store, fulfillment from the road, interacting with fan base.