Nov 20 2023 101 mins 4
It's the big day for Xiulan Ha'Penny Yuan and Hugh Portwhistle Godalming. For some reason, Xiulan has chosen Edda to be one of her two bridesmaids, because of course and why not? Look, Edda is a small part of a wedding that isn't her wedding, so naturally she's furious that someone else is getting all the attention. She has a plan to not only "go commando" underneath her cheongsam, but to "slink up the aisle like hookers short on crazy money." She thinks this would be a fun and funny thing to do at someone else's wedding. And I guess we are supposed to be charmed by this. Oh, that Edda! Typical Edda! What's not to love about her? Seth warns her and Ginger, Xiulan's friend and the other bridesmaid, not to do what they're planning, and Edda gets very mad about it. Xiulan yells at the two of them on the way down the aisle. Edda then sticks her tongue out at Seth, again, on the way down the aisle. Once at the altar, Hugh makes exclaiming "cor lumme" when he sees Xiulan. She makes fun of him for that. At the altar. But then tells him that she and her bridesmaids (who are sitting in the pews now?) are all going commando. They talk about this for a while. At the altar. Instead of getting the wedding going. The priest interrupts and then reveals he has also gone commando. We discover that other people have gone commando too. Then for some reason the priest gets mad about it.
The Chickweed strips we discuss this episode:
You can find all of the strips either on Twitter by clicking here or on Instagram by clicking here.
This completely underwear-free episode includes:
- wing-tip collars
- pet collars
- "I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman" by Britney Spears
- Dutch angles!
- Cheongsams
- Very bad hand drawings
- The McEldowney Ellipsis!
- Going commando
- Pheromones
- Pig Latin
- Ealing Comedies
- The Church of England
- Cockney Slang
- Adam Godley
- Astronomical ellipsis usage!
- Reading glasses
- Marty Feldman
- Bing Crosby
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We're on Twitter: @9ChickweedRAGE. And we're on Instagram: @9ChickweedRage.