Jan 19 2025 64 mins 4
This episode is in Spanish. Zach is joined by Rossana Gotuzzo to talk about the basics of the MCP model and how she uses project based learning in her art classes
Show Notes
Zach's tracker (el rastreador que usa Zach en su clase)
Project Based Learning (aprendizaje basado en proyectos)
Connect with Rossana on (pueden conectarse con Rossana por) Instagram @rossanagotuzzoartista or by email at (o por email) [email protected]
Learning Experiences for the Upcoming Week
The January session for our Virtual Mentorship Program launches on January 27th and we have scholarship opportunities available for educators in the U.S. and abroad. Many of the opportunities even include a cash stipend and state PD credits upon completion. Apply now to work with a personal mentor and learn how to apply blended, self-paced, and mastery based practices to your classroom. Head to www.modernclassrooms.org/apply-now to learn more and submit your application.
We have partnered with Wavio to develop a new progress tracker for our teacher community. This powerful and intuitive tracker was designed with and tested by 20 Distinguished Modern Classroom Educators and is currently being used in over 100 classrooms! Join MCP Co-Founder Robert Barnett, Wavio CEO Dana Kravchick, and fellow Modern Classroom Educators this Wednesday, January 22 at 7pm ET.
Contact us, follow us online, and learn more:
- Email us questions and feedback at: [email protected]
- Listen to this podcast on Youtube
- Modern Classrooms: @modernclassproj on Twitter and facebook.com/modernclassproj
- Kareem: @kareemfarah23 on Twitter
- Toni Rose: @classroomflex on Twitter and Instagram
- The Modern Classroom Project
- Modern Classrooms Online Course
- Take our free online course, or sign up for our mentorship program to receive personalized guidance from a Modern Classrooms mentor as you implement your own modern classroom!
The Modern Classrooms Podcast is edited by Zach Diamond: @zpdiamond on Twitter and Learning to Teach
Special Guest: Rossana Gotuzzo.