May 23 2023 55 mins 1
In this episode, I chat with Michael Moses about theory-based approaches for navigating complexity, adaptive management, participatory strategy, and actions to shift power.
Things and resources mentioned:
- Systems thinking in evaluation (including a discussion of complexity) - Bob Williams and Sjon Van't Hof
- Outcome mapping and outcome harvesting and emergent learning
- Emergent Learning (including before action reviews, after action reviews, emergent learning tables, and more approaches for supporting collective learning and action)
- Strategy Testing - Deborah Ladner and the Asia Foundation
- Kat Haugh - visual facilitation, sensemaking, and notetaking
- Learning to Make All Voices Count Initiative - Summary and full paper
- Cynara training on Decolonizing M&E and Research, led by Michelle Lokot
Contact information:
Michael Moses
[email protected]
About Michael Moses:
Michael Moses is a strategist, facilitator, and evaluator with over 12 years of experience working with public and private sector partners to achieve social impact. He advises foundations, companies, governments, and nonprofits in their efforts to design and implement strategies for advancing change, including by capturing and using data to navigate the complex systems in which they work. In doing so, he helps changemakers learn how to improve programs and organizations, adapt, and over time, strengthen their impact.