Oct 28 2024 101 mins
Anthony Sperduti and his brother Luigi have a production company LOST IN THE DARK PRODUCTION
Check out a few of her short films on YouTube:
We run a Horror Movie Draft picks for this one here are the rules we played by so if you want to play along or adapt this for your own game go for it:
- Any Horror Movie can be picked by any person for any category.
- Movies only. No TV shows, no Halloween Specials.
- Once a Horror Movie or actor(tress) or other element of a particular Horror movie has been picked in a specific category, it and all related sequels are off the table in that category.
- All films reset after each Round, so those who have been picked can be picked again in the new Round.
- The order of picking goes by random drawing for the first category, then whoever went first in the first category goes second in the next category, and the person who went last in the first category gets to go first in the second category and this continues until all categories have been selected.
- 1. Round time limits:
- 1. Round One - 60 sec
- 1. Round Two - 90 sec
- 1. Round Three - 120 sec
Gratuitous Sound Clips (there’s a lot….)
* The Twilight Zone Opening (Instrumental)
- Halloween Theme
- The Exorcist theme (HD)
- The Silence of the Lambs (3/12) Movie CLIP - Fava Beans and a Nice Chianti (1991) HD
- The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) - Ending
- Jaws: The U.S.S. Indianapolis Speech
- Psycho | "We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes"
- Why Norman Bates would'nt hurt a fly…
- The Fly (1986) - Insect Politics
* Dragnet - Virgin Connie Swail