Jul 04 2021 20 mins
This week I am bringing you 2 stories from First Nations tribes in Canada.
'A Blind Boy and a Loon' is a tale from the Inuit tribes who live in the far north of Canada by the Artic Ocean. In this story, a young boy has to outsmart his horrible stepmother by using his deep connection to the animals in his environment.
'How Raven Brought Back the Sun' is a tale from the Koyukon Athabascan tribe who live in the Northwest Territories and in Alaska. It is about the mysterious dissapearence of the sun, moon, and stars and how the Great Raven brought them back.
Both of these stories are from the book
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All sound effects and music fall under a Creative Commons 0 license and were found on freesounds.com and the Free Music Archive.
Intro song: Northern Voices | Calming Throat Singing | Yoik mantra, Kargyraa and Katajjaq
Transition Song: The Ulukhaktok Western Drummers and Dancers - Inuvialuit HD Drum Dance Series; Native American Style Flute Music - Alaxsxaq Thunder Flute
Outro Song: The Halluci Nation - Sisters ft Northern Voice