Episode 437: Skylab 50th Extravaganza!

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Jul 20 2023 71 mins   7

This episode is jam-packed with awesome guests and Skylab stories. Emily Carney, David Hitt, and Dwight Steven-Boniecki joined me to talk about all things Skylab, give it a listen!

Emily Carney-

Space and Things- https://spaceandthingspodcast.com

Emily Carney- Medium.com https://emilycarneyspace.medium.com

David Hitt-


Homesteading Space- Facebook

David Hitt- Twitter

Homesteading Space- Nebraska University Press- https://www.nebraskapress.unl.edu/bison-books/9780803236394/

Signed copies of _Homesteading Space _are available through the Cosmosphere's gift shop. Limited supplies available-


Dwight Steven-Boniecki-

Check out Dwight's amazing documentary, Searching for Skylab- https://searchingforskylab.com/

Searching for Skylab- Twitter

Skylab students article- https://www.issnationallab.org/skylab-first-students-space-experiments-changed-lives/#:~:text=What%20a%20fine%20selection%20of,and%20astronaut%20motor%2Dsensory%20adaptation.

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