Что вы чувствовали, когда заработали свои первые деньги? Сможете угадать, какая первая работа была у Вики? Вы точно удивитесь, когда будете слушать этот выпуск! Подключайтесь! How did you feel when you earned your first money? Can you guess what Vicky's first job was? You will definitely be surprised when you listen to this release! Get connected!
Improve your Russian communication skills with this episode in a variety of ways:
1 Enhance your listening and comprehension skills by immersing yourself in natural, conversational
Russian through our hosts' personal stories.
2 Expand your vocabulary with practical words and phrases!
3 Develop your ability to understand spoken Russian and extract key information by following along
with our hosts' narrative.
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