Episode 16: Elder Financial Exploitation: What You Need to Know

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Jan 21 2021 38 mins   1
Hosted by Samir Agarwal (https://www.wolterskluwer.com/en/experts/samir-agarwal) and special guest Leslie McNally

Episode Summary:
Wolters Kluwer® is a market-leading provider of advisory services and technology solutions for optimizing compliance and risk management programs. Banking Compliance Insights is a podcast series created to deliver insights on compliance trends and provide strategies for navigating today’s regulatory and risk environments.

No one wants to suffer financial losses due to a trusted caregiver or third party’s financial abuse and exploitation of the elderly. Not only is this a customer happiness and retention concern, but financial institutions also want to comply with all laws and regulations that relate to protecting their customers.

But what can be done to help stop this trend?
In this podcast titled “Elder Financial Exploitation (E.F.E): What you Need to Know,” our host Samir Agarwal is joined by co-host Leslie McNally a Wolters Kluwer Consultant on our Banking Compliance Solutions team to share information on Federal E.F.E. findings, guidance, and recommendations, the status of State-level laws and regulations, and help our audience play an active role in slowing the growth of E.F.E. Learn how to identify financial exploitation of older adults and steps your bank can, and in some cases are required to, take when you believe this exploitation is, has, or is likely to occur.

If you have a question about how we can assist you with reporting and regulations of Elder Exploitation for any size institution and staying abreast of emerging technologies navigate these industry waters from beginning to end during the pandemic, please post them in the comments section of this podcast!

iTunes/Apple Podcast: https://apple.co/33qiJN8
RSS: https://bit.ly/36tYZdA
Google Podcast: https://bit.ly/3jr6oho
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3l9oOU8

Product Highlights from the Podcast:

Wolters Kluwer Operational Management https://bit.ly/3qNweQ3
Wolters Kluwer OneSumX® Financial Crime Control: https://bit.ly/3qD35aa

Sign up for our COVID-19 Regulatory Development Bulletins https://bit.ly/2GkfnCG

Want customized compliance strategies? Sign up for a custom demo here. https://bit.ly/2Te4gxW

Listen to more Banking Compliance Insights by Wolters Kluwer here. https://bit.ly/2G8Flso

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DISCLAIMER: The information and views outlined in this Wolters Kluwer Financial Services’ communication are general in nature and are not intended as legal or professional advice. Although based on the law and information available as of the date of publication, general assumptions have been made by Wolters Kluwer Financial Services that may not take into account potentially important considerations to specific businesses. Therefore, the views and information presented in Wolters Kluwer Financial Services’ communication may not be appropriate for you. Readers must also independently analyze and consider the consequences of subsequent developments and/or other events. Readers must always make their determinations in light of their specific circumstances.

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