Aug 23 2021 36 mins 3
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) could help address climate concerns and enable the much-needed shift toward a circular economy (CE). The ICTs could also contribute to global carbon emissions and generate waste during its production, usage and obsolescence phases. What type of collaborations do we need to address sustainable ICT development?
Key message:
Climate change actions and digitalisation movement should influence each other and at the strategy level, digitalisation should address energy and environmental concerns to lay down a green recovery and low carbon development path. An environmental responsibility mind-set amongst stakeholders, including the ICT sector, policy makers, citizens and academia is needed to form concerted and timely actions.
Speakers: Malcolm Johnson, Xiao Wang
Support: Aristeidis Tsakiris
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) could help address climate concerns and enable the much-needed shift toward a circular economy (CE). The ICTs could also contribute to global carbon emissions and generate waste during its production, usage and obsolescence phases. What type of collaborations do we need to address sustainable ICT development?
Key message:
Climate change actions and digitalisation movement should influence each other and at the strategy level, digitalisation should address energy and environmental concerns to lay down a green recovery and low carbon development path. An environmental responsibility mind-set amongst stakeholders, including the ICT sector, policy makers, citizens and academia is needed to form concerted and timely actions.
Speakers: Malcolm Johnson, Xiao Wang
Support: Aristeidis Tsakiris