Episode 194: #SurvivorAU - LIZ DOESN'T WANT TO SIT WITH YOU || Survivor AU - Episode 12 Recap

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Feb 23 2023 58 mins  
This week's serving of BLINDSIDE BUTTERBEANS was cancelled after the Villains were told that there would not be an elimination at this tribal. Instead, they would be nominating themselves for mutiny and thus moving to the Heroes tribe. An exciting prospect for some, but potentially troubling for others…but certainly good news for Hayley, who was to be dining on said butterbeans (deliciously prepared by Nina and Sam) until this twist was announced. You already know where Kyle stands on production interference – but this twist totally reopens the conversation. We'll be getting into this as well as Liz's decision to leave the Villains tribe for the Heroes – and what's the deal with that idol? Will she be telling the rest of the Spice Girls alliance? SO MUCH TO DISCUSS! Find us LIVE on: Twitter, YouTube, and Twitch! Find us AFTER on: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Audible! Twitter & Instagram: @stratchatpod www.stratchatpod.com #SurvivorAU #Survivor #JLP #JonathanLaPaglia #HeroesvsVillians #Channel10