Jun 15 2024 77 mins 4
This interview took place in 2021 but it is so relevant to be aware of today especially as people speaking truth are censored so much in the mainstream media. Dr Merritt talks common sense with scientific knowledge and an awareness of the bigger picture. We do have to be creative with how we go forward as a society, it is well worth listening to and I shortened the talk a little,
Here is Dr Merritt's website The Medical Rebel (drleemerritt.com)
Thanks to Gemma for her podcast, who appears to be one of the 'conspiracy theorists' to be publicly ostracised in the last few years.
Here is Dr Merritt's website The Medical Rebel (drleemerritt.com)
Thanks to Gemma for her podcast, who appears to be one of the 'conspiracy theorists' to be publicly ostracised in the last few years.