Jun 17 2024 35 mins
The merger of two companies calls for a new narrative and purpose, so today I will ask Morten Enggaard Rasmussen how to reshape that narrative and ask him to tell the story of Novonesis.
Novozymes and Chr. Hansen merged a few months ago and became Novonesis in January 2024. In this edition of Behind the Scenes, I have invited Morten Enggaard Rasmussen to the studio, he was previously EVP of People, Sustainability & Brand at Novozymes, and now he is EVP of People & Stakeholder Relations at Novonesis.
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Hilsner fra Helle Rosendahl
Novozymes and Chr. Hansen merged a few months ago and became Novonesis in January 2024. In this edition of Behind the Scenes, I have invited Morten Enggaard Rasmussen to the studio, he was previously EVP of People, Sustainability & Brand at Novozymes, and now he is EVP of People & Stakeholder Relations at Novonesis.
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Hilsner fra Helle Rosendahl