Jun 30 2024 38 mins 13
JKS 54 Hotwife Overnight
Welcome back faithful listeners!
It's our 7th PODIVERSARY!!!
Who knew we'd still be doing this?
Here it is,June 2024 and we are just now releasing stuff we recorded in 2023.lol
We spend a few minutes reflecting on where we have been, where we are, and where we might be heading in the future.
We chat about Mrs. Sting, my Hotwife, being swept away on a Hotel Spa Weekend by a gentleman friend & some deeper questions that get stirred up in the process.
We also took our Mic (my iPhone) on the road to celebrate the inaugural Non-Monogamy Day of Visibility that was held back in the Summer of 2023 to interview the creators and representatives of OPEN - The Organization for Polyamory and Ethical Non Monogamy.
Non-Monogamy WEEK of Visibility July 15-21
Zoom workshops by friends of the show...
"Is there a right way to do non-monogamy ?' hosted by Emma & Fin of Normalizing Non-Monogamy (register via Plura app)
Panel Discussion on how to discuss Non-Monogamy to others in your family/social circles. Hosted by Naughty Gym & Casual Swinger podcast and the Expansive Connection Relationship Coaching Team. (Register via link.)
Listen to the episode of Normalizing Non-Monogamy we mention here...
We hope you enjoy the show!
Thank You for listening, and "Just Keep Swinging"!
You can reach Mr.Sting at @JKSwingingPod on Twitter or @justkeepswinging.bsky.social
email at [email protected]
If you like our show and the perspective we provide, PLEASE give us a positive review on iTunes. If you don't like us, say nothing and just move along .
(FYI-we do not generate any form of compensation from our show. We do it for love & caring for ourselves and others. The following are people we believe in.)
We encourage you to visit OPEN The Organization for Polyamory and Ethical Non Monogamy https://www.open-love.org/
follow @openloveorg
If you would like to know more about Lifestyle vacations, follow @PaloozaPodcast on social media or visit https://podcast-a-palooza.com
My Favorite app for building sex positive community & education is called Plura. you can find out more here...https://heyplura.com/faq
Fascinated about swinging and other kinds of open or sex positive relationships?
Go listen to our friends at Normalizing Non Monogamy podcast. Join their community.
and Bawdy Storytelling podcast https://bawdystorytelling.com/podcast
Have you or a loved one contracted Herpes or another STI and are looking for resources on coping with your diagnosis? Search IG for Courtney Brame from the Podcast & Non-Profit "Something Positive for Positive People".
A resource for fighting stigma and shame, while finding community & emotional healing for people living with Herpes & other STIs.visit https://www.spfpp.org/
Other resources to consider...American Sexual Health association- ASHAsexualhealth.org @infoASHAThe- nationalcoalitionforsexualhealth.org @NCSH_stdcheck.com @STDcheckmylabbox.com letsgetchecked.com gettested.cdc.gov
Welcome back faithful listeners!
It's our 7th PODIVERSARY!!!
Who knew we'd still be doing this?
Here it is,June 2024 and we are just now releasing stuff we recorded in 2023.lol
We spend a few minutes reflecting on where we have been, where we are, and where we might be heading in the future.
We chat about Mrs. Sting, my Hotwife, being swept away on a Hotel Spa Weekend by a gentleman friend & some deeper questions that get stirred up in the process.
We also took our Mic (my iPhone) on the road to celebrate the inaugural Non-Monogamy Day of Visibility that was held back in the Summer of 2023 to interview the creators and representatives of OPEN - The Organization for Polyamory and Ethical Non Monogamy.
Non-Monogamy WEEK of Visibility July 15-21
Zoom workshops by friends of the show...
"Is there a right way to do non-monogamy ?' hosted by Emma & Fin of Normalizing Non-Monogamy (register via Plura app)
Panel Discussion on how to discuss Non-Monogamy to others in your family/social circles. Hosted by Naughty Gym & Casual Swinger podcast and the Expansive Connection Relationship Coaching Team. (Register via link.)
Listen to the episode of Normalizing Non-Monogamy we mention here...
We hope you enjoy the show!
Thank You for listening, and "Just Keep Swinging"!
You can reach Mr.Sting at @JKSwingingPod on Twitter or @justkeepswinging.bsky.social
email at [email protected]
If you like our show and the perspective we provide, PLEASE give us a positive review on iTunes. If you don't like us, say nothing and just move along .
(FYI-we do not generate any form of compensation from our show. We do it for love & caring for ourselves and others. The following are people we believe in.)
We encourage you to visit OPEN The Organization for Polyamory and Ethical Non Monogamy https://www.open-love.org/
follow @openloveorg
If you would like to know more about Lifestyle vacations, follow @PaloozaPodcast on social media or visit https://podcast-a-palooza.com
My Favorite app for building sex positive community & education is called Plura. you can find out more here...https://heyplura.com/faq
Fascinated about swinging and other kinds of open or sex positive relationships?
Go listen to our friends at Normalizing Non Monogamy podcast. Join their community.
and Bawdy Storytelling podcast https://bawdystorytelling.com/podcast
Have you or a loved one contracted Herpes or another STI and are looking for resources on coping with your diagnosis? Search IG for Courtney Brame from the Podcast & Non-Profit "Something Positive for Positive People".
A resource for fighting stigma and shame, while finding community & emotional healing for people living with Herpes & other STIs.visit https://www.spfpp.org/
Other resources to consider...American Sexual Health association- ASHAsexualhealth.org @infoASHAThe- nationalcoalitionforsexualhealth.org @NCSH_stdcheck.com @STDcheckmylabbox.com letsgetchecked.com gettested.cdc.gov