Aug 01 2024 30 mins
Did you know 90% of hiring members are never trained to interview?
On this episode of HR After Dark, Marcia and Meghan welcome guest, Anna Papalia, CEO & Author of Interviewology. Anna shares her passion for discovering interview styles and why she left her corporate job to teach and write her book Interviewology. Are you a Charmer, Challenger, Examiner, or Harmonizer? Whether you are a hiring manager or a job seeker, this episode will break down the importance of your interview style and profile.
On this episode of HR After Dark, Marcia and Meghan welcome guest, Anna Papalia, CEO & Author of Interviewology. Anna shares her passion for discovering interview styles and why she left her corporate job to teach and write her book Interviewology. Are you a Charmer, Challenger, Examiner, or Harmonizer? Whether you are a hiring manager or a job seeker, this episode will break down the importance of your interview style and profile.