Oct 15 2024 50 mins
Clare and Steve are joined in conversation by Angela Jopling. Angela describes herself as a coach of 26 years, a Supervisor of 15 years, psychotherapy trained who operates in the fuzzy space. We have all noticed how the space between coaching and therapy is blurring. 20 years ago Angela wrote a thesis on this fuzzy space whilst doing her master's degree in psychotherapy.
Often coaches are cautious about the counselling or therapy space, but as Angela points out, the core of both these disciplines is presence, listening and holding the space. As coaches, we are often comfortable with TA tools such as ego states, drama triangle, parent adult, child.
Also with Gestalt techniques such as chair work, NLP techniques and behavioural change from CBT - much of this emanates from the world of therapy. We explore how coaches might find their own way to navigate the fuzzy space whilst recognising how to 'hand off' a client to another specialist if required. As ever, it's about doing your own work on yourself, to determine where your fuzzy space starts and ends.
Angela is starting a theraputic coaching supervision group. Find out more here https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/281yr2ry3yh6wz7etskae/Therapeutic-Coaching-Supervision-Group.pdf?rlkey=ud4zirr0dunah6swdewqmtpwr&st=31rbe2c2&dl=0
This podcast series is supported by Trusted Coach Directory
In an unregulated industry, where anyone can call themselves a coach, the Trusted Coach Directory exists to raise the profile, credibility and standard of professional coaches and supervisors. Visit TrustedCoachDirectory.com
Often coaches are cautious about the counselling or therapy space, but as Angela points out, the core of both these disciplines is presence, listening and holding the space. As coaches, we are often comfortable with TA tools such as ego states, drama triangle, parent adult, child.
Also with Gestalt techniques such as chair work, NLP techniques and behavioural change from CBT - much of this emanates from the world of therapy. We explore how coaches might find their own way to navigate the fuzzy space whilst recognising how to 'hand off' a client to another specialist if required. As ever, it's about doing your own work on yourself, to determine where your fuzzy space starts and ends.
Angela is starting a theraputic coaching supervision group. Find out more here https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/281yr2ry3yh6wz7etskae/Therapeutic-Coaching-Supervision-Group.pdf?rlkey=ud4zirr0dunah6swdewqmtpwr&st=31rbe2c2&dl=0
This podcast series is supported by Trusted Coach Directory
In an unregulated industry, where anyone can call themselves a coach, the Trusted Coach Directory exists to raise the profile, credibility and standard of professional coaches and supervisors. Visit TrustedCoachDirectory.com