Oct 08 2024 40 mins
Have you ever felt like you’re lacking the tools to help you slow down, connect emotionally, and live out of your values when it comes to your family? Maybe you're like Julie and you’re exhausted and overwhelmed from parenting and find yourself escaping through endless social media scrolling or even through your business or ministry. Or maybe you’re like Jared and have felt apathetic towards connecting emotionally with your spouse and family and might be physically around them but not necessarily emotionally present with them. Wherever you find yourself in the struggle to maintain connection with your kids we hope that you will be encouraged and inspired from Julie and Jared’s vulnerable story and that God will meet you in your parenting and entrepreneurship journey as He has with them. Become more emotionally present and live a slowed down and intentional discipleship as a family on mission with God with the Slowed Down Soul Planner!