Dec 18 2024 38 mins
Sam welcomes comic Roey Rozen to the show after they were made to wait 4 hours to record this pod because we were waiting for Cris Italia to let us into the studio on a Sunday. Despite the logistical and technological obstacles that threatened to derail the episode, the boys managed to pull an electric chat out of the hat, bridging the cultural gap between Italians and Jews. Enjoy!! Sorry for the bad audio quality, mulligan on the tech on this one, folks.
Follow Roey @RoeyRozen & check out his new podcast “Chris and Roey vs. Evil” with Chris Horne
Follow Sam @imSamAdamo and if you’re reading this, please consider leaving a five star rating on the podcast to help boost the show on whatever platform you’re consuming this on (statistically likely that is Apple or Spotify — and fat five star ratings help us on either platform). God bless.
Follow Roey @RoeyRozen & check out his new podcast “Chris and Roey vs. Evil” with Chris Horne
Follow Sam @imSamAdamo and if you’re reading this, please consider leaving a five star rating on the podcast to help boost the show on whatever platform you’re consuming this on (statistically likely that is Apple or Spotify — and fat five star ratings help us on either platform). God bless.