Today is January 23rd.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.
Take a moment and quiet yourself. Take a deep breath. Welcome God’s presence. And say, “Come Holy Spirit.”
Today’s reading is from the book of Jeremiah, chapter 22.
This is what the Lord says: “Go down to the palace of the king of Judah and proclaim this message there: 2 ‘Hear the word of the Lord to you, king of Judah, you who sit on David’s throne—you, your officials and your people who come through these gates. 3 This is what the Lord says: Do what is just and right. Rescue from the hand of the oppressor the one who has been robbed. Do no wrong or violence to the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow, and do not shed innocent blood in this place. 4 For if you are careful to carry out these commands, then kings who sit on David’s throne will come through the gates of this palace, riding in chariots and on horses, accompanied by their officials and their people. 5 But if you do not obey these commands, declares the Lord, I swear by myself that this palace will become a ruin.’”
The Prophet Jeremiah is communicating the heart of God to the palace of the King of Judah: to do what is just and right in the eyes of God… to rescue the oppressed and protect the vulnerable. The power of God is demonstrated in counter-cultural ways throughout scripture, and in this case, Jeremiah is speaking the truth about power to the people in power. He is reminding them that the power they have is meant to serve those who are vulnerable—orphans, widows, refugees, children…
Jeremiah is speaking a warning to those in power about how they prioritize these people. What might Jeremiah say to us today? As you hear the passage read again… ask God to help you hear these words in your own life. Consider what it means for you to ‘be careful’ to carry out His commands to do what is just and right with vulnerable people in your life.
There are times as Christians when we will be called to say or to do something that is counter cultural. Can you recall a time that you’ve stepped out or taken a risk to demonstrate the upside-down nature of the kingdom of God? Ask God to give you both conviction and courage to ‘do what is just and right’ in His eyes today.
Lord God, Almighty and everlasting Father, you have brought me in safety to this new day: Preserve me with your mighty power, that I may not fall into sin, nor be overcome by adversity; and in all I do, direct me to the fulfilling of your purpose; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Music: "Roll Like A River" - Vineyard Worship - (YouTube)
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.
Take a moment and quiet yourself. Take a deep breath. Welcome God’s presence. And say, “Come Holy Spirit.”
Today’s reading is from the book of Jeremiah, chapter 22.
This is what the Lord says: “Go down to the palace of the king of Judah and proclaim this message there: 2 ‘Hear the word of the Lord to you, king of Judah, you who sit on David’s throne—you, your officials and your people who come through these gates. 3 This is what the Lord says: Do what is just and right. Rescue from the hand of the oppressor the one who has been robbed. Do no wrong or violence to the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow, and do not shed innocent blood in this place. 4 For if you are careful to carry out these commands, then kings who sit on David’s throne will come through the gates of this palace, riding in chariots and on horses, accompanied by their officials and their people. 5 But if you do not obey these commands, declares the Lord, I swear by myself that this palace will become a ruin.’”
The Prophet Jeremiah is communicating the heart of God to the palace of the King of Judah: to do what is just and right in the eyes of God… to rescue the oppressed and protect the vulnerable. The power of God is demonstrated in counter-cultural ways throughout scripture, and in this case, Jeremiah is speaking the truth about power to the people in power. He is reminding them that the power they have is meant to serve those who are vulnerable—orphans, widows, refugees, children…
Jeremiah is speaking a warning to those in power about how they prioritize these people. What might Jeremiah say to us today? As you hear the passage read again… ask God to help you hear these words in your own life. Consider what it means for you to ‘be careful’ to carry out His commands to do what is just and right with vulnerable people in your life.
There are times as Christians when we will be called to say or to do something that is counter cultural. Can you recall a time that you’ve stepped out or taken a risk to demonstrate the upside-down nature of the kingdom of God? Ask God to give you both conviction and courage to ‘do what is just and right’ in His eyes today.
Lord God, Almighty and everlasting Father, you have brought me in safety to this new day: Preserve me with your mighty power, that I may not fall into sin, nor be overcome by adversity; and in all I do, direct me to the fulfilling of your purpose; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Music: "Roll Like A River" - Vineyard Worship - (YouTube)