Gaza can be leveled down or built up, Nitsana Darshan-Leitner says, and she wants Trump's plan to do the latter.
An Israeli international lawyer and activist who has represented hundreds of terror victims in legal actions against terror organizations and their supporters, Nitsana is the head of Shurat HaDin—Israel Law Center, which combats terrorism, promotes civil rights, and actively pursues pro-Israel lawfare.
Nitsana was ranked among the 50 most influential Jews in the world by the Jerusalem Post, and one of the 50 most influential Israeli women by the Israeli Forbes magazine.
Now, she joins us to answer 18 questions on Israel, including international law, Gaza's future, and Trump's plan.
This interview was held on Feb. 10.
Here are our 18 questions:
An Israeli international lawyer and activist who has represented hundreds of terror victims in legal actions against terror organizations and their supporters, Nitsana is the head of Shurat HaDin—Israel Law Center, which combats terrorism, promotes civil rights, and actively pursues pro-Israel lawfare.
Nitsana was ranked among the 50 most influential Jews in the world by the Jerusalem Post, and one of the 50 most influential Israeli women by the Israeli Forbes magazine.
Now, she joins us to answer 18 questions on Israel, including international law, Gaza's future, and Trump's plan.
This interview was held on Feb. 10.
Here are our 18 questions:
- As an Israeli, and as a Jew, how are you feeling at this moment in Israeli history?
- What has been Israel’s greatest success and greatest mistake in its war against Hamas?
- How do you think Hamas views the outcome and aftermath of October 7—was it a success, in their eyes?
- What do you look for in deciding which Knesset party to vote for?
- Which is more important for Israel: Judaism or democracy?
- Should Israel treat its Jewish and non-Jewish citizens the same?
- What role should the Israeli government have in religious matters?
- Now that Israel already exists, what is the purpose of Zionism?
- Is opposing Zionism inherently antisemitic?
- Is the IDF the world’s most moral army?
- If you were making the case for Israel, where would you begin?
- Can questioning the actions of Israel’s government and army — even in the context of this war — be a valid form of love and patriotism?
- What do you think is the most legitimate criticism leveled against Israel today?
- Do you think peace between Israelis and Palestinians will happen within your lifetime?
- What should happen with Gaza and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict after the war?
- Is Israel properly handling the Iranian threat?
- Where do you identify on Israel’s political and religious spectrum, and do you have friends on the “other side”?
- Do you have more hope or fear for Israel and the Jewish People?