Feb 17 2025 39 mins 1
John Wetzel is the owner of OsteoStrong Las Vegas where he helps people discover the improvements in mobility and strength that can come by focusing on bone health, without a gym or exercise equipment. He is also an active member of the Las Vegas biohacking community. Learn more at https://biohackinglasvegas.com/home and https://www.osteostronglv.com/
For more information about Laura and her work you can go to her website www.healingpowers.net or find her on X @thatlaurapowers, on Facebook at @realhealingpowers and @mllelaura, and on Instagram, TikTok and Insight Timer @laurapowers44.
For more information about Laura and her work you can go to her website www.healingpowers.net or find her on X @thatlaurapowers, on Facebook at @realhealingpowers and @mllelaura, and on Instagram, TikTok and Insight Timer @laurapowers44.