Jun 20 2023 20 mins
Welcome to Season 2 of the Easy English Interviews Podcast! Season 2 will have some added content. In addition to the Podcast audio and the 10 comprehension questions that were included in each post of Season 1, Season 2 will include various Easy English Grammar, Usage, and Vocabulary Points. These will be one-point English lessons to look out for in each interview. Those will be included here in the podcast post and in the podcast audio. They will also be found in the textbook for Season 2, which will be available after the full season is released.
If you are new to the podcast, Season 1 is complete and there is a companion textbook for sale now on Amazon. It can be found by clicking the link below.
Easy English Interviews PodcastのSeason 2へようこそ! シーズン2には、いくつかのコンテンツが追加されます。シーズン1では、ポッドキャストの音声と各投稿に含まれていた10問の理解度チェックに加えて、シーズン2では様々なEasy English Grammar and Vocabulary Pointsが含まれます。これは、各インタビューで気をつけるべきワンポイントの英語レッスンです。このポッドキャストの記事と音声に収録されています。また、シーズン2のテキストにも掲載されます。
In June 2023, I had a great conversation with Jay Matwichuk, who is a friend and computer coder working in Canada. He is a father and health-conscious guy who has also lived in Australia and Japan. Here is that interview.
In today’s interview, please listen for when Jay gives reasons for the things he does or has done. He uses words and phrases like “otherwise” and “or else”.
The second thing I would like to focus on in today’s interview is the use of “Echo Questions” to check for understanding.
For example:
“Sorry, did you say you owned your own company?”
“Sorry, did you say you lived in Australia?”
So now, sit back, relax, and enjoy this interview with Jay.
* Where does Jay live now (what city)?
* What hotel did Kris visit in Jay’s town?
* How many years did Jay live in Japan?
* How old were the kids that Jay taught English to?
* Where did Jay have an IT company for six years?
* How long did Jay live in Australia?
* Where does Jay work every day?
* How old is Jay?
* What is the saying that Jay uses for advice?
* Jay says that he has a good ability to do what?
Thank you for listening and as always, please like or subscribe on your favorite platform!
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