Sep 09 2024 22 mins 1
What is Faustian Man's Test? How is Divination Legitimate?
CONTENTS and VIDEO below, Friends:
00:39 - Faustian Man's test, the opposite of Job 02:15 - Mephistopheles' temptation of us 03:13 - Overcoming Mephistopheles: first step 04:41 - Divination is LEGIT? 06:53 - What is Divination? 09:17 - Metaphysics of Divination: Future as available NOW 10:28 - Benefits of divination 11:39 - Dangers in divination 13:36 - Objective guidance away from illusion 16:24 - From Magic to Mysticism, just a first step 17:14 - Framing questions in divination 18:28 - A Bridge: letting go of divination
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