Nov 22 2024 75 mins
Hello, listeners! Goodbye, Redeeming Disorder.
I’m ready to fully focus my creative energy in one direction, which means it’s time for my first major creative project to end. Worlds of thanks to Tamar — legend in my life, lead producer of Light & Shadows, and the woman for the job of turning the page.
We talk herbalism, Kambo medicine, medicine at large, creative flow and beginner’s mind. We also talk about our personal growth through this past year of knowing each other. This past year… these past months, weeks, days… What a time.
As great swathes of Latin America burn, the Vilcabamba valley has been filled with smoke these past seven days since the Light & Shadows team returned from filming in the jungle, and we’re slowing down our pace of releasing videos. Forty-nine days after beginning our Friday releases and planning to release a pilot episode on December 20, we have to say that the pilot will come in 2025, and that no plan is surefire in these fiery times. Nonetheless, we’ll continue doing our best.
I’m grateful to have already filmed some beautiful places that have recently burned down. In right time, I’ll be grateful to bring you “Epic 1” (“episodes” are so legacy-TV) of our genre-bending docureality series. And, in the meantime, I’m grateful to uphold our commitment to bring you at least something every Friday.
As many of the world’s unnatural orders break down, and as we go through personal breakdowns (breakdown-breakthroughs, more aptly), life can feel entirely chaotic. Upholding our true commitments can feel challenging. Maintaining order in our lives can feel impossible. Our plans are jokes to God-Goddess, paradoxes to the reality of the present moment, which is all we can ever know for sure. Yet, we make plans to bring our intentions into being, and we return to our truest intentions.
Creating Light & Shadows is a calling for us — an intention to which we’ll continually return, an order from God-Goddess themself. Our pilot epic won’t adhere to the order we had in mind, but Light & Shadows will continue. We will continue to create for you.
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