The new bass from RKM is here. At least the first prototype is, and I’m really excited to be able to share it with you in this episode of the podcast.
Check out the video on YouTube to get a close-up look at this beautiful instrument, and drop a comment below the video with your thoughts on 5-strings, high C tuning, double reversed P pickups, and all the other stuff we’ve included in this build that we plan to launch at Winter NAMM 2025.
Black Friday is in full-swing with physical books on Amazon discounted worldwide, and our ebooks at the website discounted to get 50% off every other book you purchase. And that’s up to four books in each order. Want 3 books? get 3 more 50% off! This also applies to book bundles. Buy one, get 50% off another. All discounts are applied automatically at checkout.
And don’t forget the pre-sale for the new scale book ends in just a few days on November 26th. This is your last chance to get a signed physical copy bundled with a digital version of the book for this pre-sale price.
We will have a digital-only version of the new scale book launching this Thursday, and our “Complete Library” bundle will include the new book and will go on sale with the book launch on November 28th.
More soon,
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