Jan 16 2025 38 mins 4
John and Seth examine how the Democratic response to the 2025 Trump transition is so different from what they did in 2017, and discuss just what is the best approach for an opposition party. Should they fight Trump on everything? Try to work with him where they can? Is it best just to let voters actually see what happens when Republicans get what they want? Also, we discuss yeast, both in sourdough starter and store-bought versions.
* Matthew Green’s Underdog Politics: The Minority Party in the U.S. House of Representatives
* Jamelle Bouie, “Now Is Not the Time for Surrender”
* Nyhan et al., “One Vote Out of Step? The Effects of Salient Roll Call Votes in the 2010 Election”
* King Arthur Baking on the difference between active dry and instant yeast
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