Oct 04 2022 9 mins 2
Batching is so useful for you and your business. At first glance, you might say it has nothing to do with pricing, but actually, it makes a huge difference to you, your business and the prices you charge. Because we all like to think we can multitask, but if you want to create your ideal business, you need to drop the multitasking and start embracing batching instead.
So in this week’s episode of The Pricing Queen, we’re going to be covering:
- Why multitasking doesn’t work [0:46]
- Why you should bother with batching [1:20]
- How buffers of time help you create space [2:20]
- Managing your availability [2:36]
- Adding flexibility into your schedule [3:35]
- The importance of being disciplined with your service [4:16]
- Creating your ideal week [5:10]
- How batching can help you get clear on your availability [6:02]
- Batching and mindfully managing your time and energy [7:04]
Sign up for my Packaging Masterclass, to learn how to get away from trading your time for money - https://www.thepricingqueen.com/packages.
Get help with working out your pricing - http://www.thepricingqueen.com/pricing-calculator.
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