Oct 18 2022 8 mins 1
Do you take your customer on a pricing journey? It’s a question you need to ask yourself, both when thinking about product creation and also with your marketing. The pricing journey is something that can make the difference between turning a browser into a customer, a new customer into a repeat one, or risking losing the sale altogether.
So in this week’s episode of The Pricing Queen, I’m going to help you demystify the pricing journey. Here’s we’re going to be covering:
- What a customer pricing journey is [0:46]
- How knowing your client's journey helps with your pricing [1:12]
- If you offer coaching, here's how you can still implement a pricing journey [1:53]
- The importance of being clear about how clients can work more with you [2:57]
- How memberships and masterminds fit into that journey [3:22]
- Why pricing needs to fit the relative value being offered [4:22]
- One of the key things I always say to remember with pricing [5:42]
- It's all about getting scalable and here's why that's important [6:29]
Get help with working out your pricing - http://www.thepricingqueen.com/pricing-calculator.
If you’re feeling a little lost or overwhelmed by your pricing, why not book in to have a chat with me about this? You can do so at https://www.thepricingqueen.com/chat.
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