Apr 26 2023 31 mins 1
Do you need a high spec computer for Christmas Lighting? Do you need it after programming the show? Can you "daily" computer do the job? We answer all your questions in this episode!
01:15 Introduction
03:18 What program we recommend you use to program your Christmas light show.
04:41 What platform does xLights run on?
06:14 Which platform would xLights not work on?
07:40 How powerful of a computer do you need?
11:10 What is FPP and what do they do?
16:32 What specification do I need for my computer?
17:15 Crystal upgraded her computer after 11 Years!
20:46 Key information for the day
21:28 David shares new products from Experience Lights - Genius Pro 16 port
26:10 When should you start programming? Why it is important order in advance!
29:33 Closing
xLights: https://xlights.org
xLights Download: https://xlights.org/releases/
Genius Pro 16 Port Controller (Experience Lights): https://experiencelights.com/genius-pro-16-port-controller/
Experience Lights Genius Controllers & Receivers: https://experiencelights.com/genius-pixel-controllers/
Visit our sites/channels here:
Learn Christmas Lighting.com https://www.learnchristmaslighting.com
Our videos on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/LearnChristmasLighting
Buy Pixels here: https://aboveavl.com/collections/pixels
Our Christmas Lighting Store: https://aboveavl.com/pages/christmas