Aug 01 2023 44 mins 3
Say hello to Warwick Schiller, an acclaimed horse trainer who is far more interested in connecting with horses than training them. Originally from Australia, Warwick has developed a horsemanship style that emphasizes building authentic relationships between horses and humans. Warwick shares his endless pursuit of understanding horses combined with a compassion towards horse enthusiasts of all ages and abilities. You may know Warwick as the host of the industry favorite Journey On Podcast with a Mission to Change Yourself to Change Your Horse or as the organizer of the one-of-a-kind Journey On Summit that aims to improve horse-human relationships mostly by improving the humans themselves. The key moments in this episode are: 00:00:26 - Introduction 00:01:57 - Warwick's New Place in Paso Robles 00:03:26 - The Journey On Podcast Summit 00:06:31 - Goals for the 2023 Summit 00:09:43 - Selecting Podcast Guests 00:15:15 - Feeling Pressure and the Release 00:16:07 - Challenging Beliefs and Opening Doors 00:19:52 - Impacting Lives Through Conversations 00:22:04 - Attunement and Connection Retreats 00:26:00 - Future Retreats and Collaboration 00:30:58 - Building Connection with Horses 00:32:07 - Liberty as Good Horsemanship 00:33:15 - Excitement for this year's Liberty Festival 00:34:31 - A once-in-a-lifetime trip in 2024