Mar 31 2024 41 mins
The Essential Guide to Setting Powerful Priorities.
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If you ever find yourself feeling like time ain't enough, running the endless grind, only to feel drained and dissatisfied at day's end—this one's for you.
Before, that was our standard operating procedure. Now, we have learned some simple, powerful distinctions that ensure we're instinctively focusing more on what truly matters—and we'll share them with you live!
The Inner Lifestyle Upgrade (TILU) is a weekly, interactive live session where we focus on elevating your inner lifestyle.
During the sessions, we delve into strategic topics for achievers and leaders who feel stressed, stuck, or burnt out, offering counterintuitive insights.
The Inner Lifestyle Upgrade is a collaborative project among trainers and coaches Jamie Smart, Andrea Deltetto, and Dario Martinis.
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