Have you ever dove head first into a tool and discovered how much of YOU you haven't been? 👀
I have really been exploring the tool of destructuring...everything. My body, my money, my relationships, my business...everything. Oof, it isn't always pretty.
What I am finding is me. The me that was under all of the presumptions, assumptions, and judgments.
Oh how I have missed me! 🥰
I am returning to the ease and space of creating with and as energy.
This...this is where all possibilities exist.
I know that I KNOW that what I am here for is to change the world.
Whew! That's sounds simple. 😜
What does that look like?
For me it is about creating shows and classes to invite everyone to creating more possibilities.
If you are also here to change the world by sharing your classes I invite you to join me.
✨Let's destructure, destroy, and uncreate together.
✨Let's explore infinite possibilities together.
✨Let's grow our classes and share our magic, our potency, and our being out into the world.
Join me for the Kick Off Call for Let's Grow Our Classes. 👉 https://www.christeljoycrawford.com/letsgrow
Join me for the series! 👉 https://www.christeljoycrawford.com/offers/gcUoZgwe